The Great Divorce" is about a bus load of sinners who get on a bus and drive to heaven. Lewis had a great imagination. All the people on the bus were on their way to see heaven and see a chain of mountains on the distance and a legions of angles come over the chain of mountains and greet them. The people on the bus are given a choice. They are told that first of all that where they were was not heaven, but heaven's suburbs and that real heaven was on the other side of the mountains. They were given a choice to go to heaven or to go back to hell. They were told that they could go to the highest most central place in heaven but they would have to give up essentially their most precious thing.
As the Great Divorce continues no one can do it except one person. The others all get back on the bus and are unable to give up their most precious thing. Now, this one man has a lizard sitting on his shoulder. It's red and it talks to him, and he talks back to the lizard. They talk back and forth. An angel comes to this man and says, "Do you want to stay?" "Yes, I don't want to go back to Hell," then man says. "Well, you have to give up your most precious thing," the Angel explains. "What is it?" the man questions. "The Lizard!" the Angel helps him understand. "I have raised him from when he was a little lizard," the man pleads. "Well, you will have to kill it," the Angel explains. There is then this immense struggle between the man and the angel and the lizard. He can't quite bring himself to tear the lizard off. The lizard keeps trying to talk him out of it by saying, "They don't really mean it, they don't really want you in deep heaven. You will always be a lessor inhabitant." The angel keeps countering each argument from the lizard until in a moment, a deep difficult moment, the man with the help of the angel reaches up and grabs the lizard. The lizard clings to the man so tightly. The man is afraid that if he pulls it off some of him will come with it. But, they pull the lizard off and break it's back. The man says, "Oh I am done for and collapses in pain!" And then something wonderful happens. The angel touches the man and lifts him up and he rises young and strong and powerful. They watch the lizard rise and change and transform until a beautiful stallion appears. The angel has the man climb on back of the stallion, and ride the horse triumphantly, over the mountains, into deep heaven because he had given up his most precious thing.
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